Saturday, February 14, 2009

On the great day of heart - I hope you have had a good start

So after a period with little blog inspiration I am getting back into the mood. So what about some thoughts about feel good things on Valentines day.

Since last year I have been able to experience how social network sites have allowed me to re-connect with friends that I have not had contact with in a long time, and connected with other parts of the persons I know very well. Quite interesting and very rewarding. Finding the small things in life that others add to your life, is way greater than you can pursue on your own. And this year has been full of the small contacts that make me smile big. And despite financial crisis, global warming and a hactic society, life is good after all and it is up to each of us to value all small things.

This year I have decided to pursue a dream, a dream might make me sound like a pure materialist, but it is not the goal of remodelled small house that keep me thrilled. It is the thought process of getting there and the desire to enyoj it afterwards, especially the parts I have planned and done myself. I am amazed by how stimulating this is. It is actually very relaxing to paint, put in electricity tubes, add wood floor etc. Works like a perfact brain cleaner after a week in the office. I have no come to the point where I have a firm plan in place for what I would like to do, no it is down to the famous execution, and to do it with a decent ambition level to not create an opportunity for the "Angry carpenter" to come in in a second phase.

I have also been amazed how much I value my horses. I enyoj them every day, both in the morning and in the evening. They take me where ever I want. They are responsive for my desire to move fast from time to time. The thought of leaving them behind made me freak-out mpore then I expected. Other horses could be less demanding on the amount of inputs required but less interested in tagging along at my pace. Is this really important, well I did not think so, but I have found out the opposite. And after all life is about fulfilling big and small dreams, and I think the biggest favour you can do to yourself, is to reward yourself where it matters to you, reward your firends and family where it matters to them, and hope to get rewarded by others as a great bonus in life. But first take the responsibility to get my feel good platform in place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just a small question, will there be many rooms in the little house, if so it would be nice to name them individually