Sunday, April 28, 2013

When you in Belize want to go slow - Caye Caulker is the place to go

The best part of Belize is the islands close to the barrier reef. If you are on a vacation to wind down, it does not get a whole lot slower than Caye Caulker, 45min by boat from Belize City.

Independently if you arrive by plane o boat, the first thing greeting you is a laid back and "chillaxing" atmosphere. All roads are dirt roads. Golf-carts and bikes dominate the vehicle scene. Thicker ropes across the roads act as speed bumps.

Mornings are best started with a morning stroll around town and by the beach. An early morning juice from one if the juice bars is great start of the day. Pick a breakfast place outside your hotel as you stroll along. Find a hammock by the "Parque de Ninos" and dive into your book. A bottle of water and a pocketbook will keep you as busy as it gets here.

No real beach life as sea grass limit the real options. The younger crowd gather by the beach at the split for an early beer and snorkeling nearby. Caye Caulker has great sunsets, walk over to the other side of the island by 5pm or just stay by the split. Great views any clear day.

Dinners are early and most restaurants close kitchen at 9pm. Go for the fish specials. Expect it slow after 10pm, a good recipe for early morning starts.

Practical details for planning
* Plane rides are a 10min hop from Belize city, with great views while flying.
* Two companies operate a number of boats daily, you are never further way than 90 minutes from the next boat.
* For lodging consider Caye Caulker Plaza Hotel, well maintained and central location.
* Best fish dishes are at Rosa's grill. Fishes on display outside. Just celebrating 15 years in Business when I visited in April 2013

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