Monday, March 16, 2009

How far do we stretch to fly away - and to on top of the statistics stay

Dear blog readers,

Not that I am obsessed by figures and facts about special flight trips, but perhaps I have a sense for details about a trip when I hear about one. Especially if it qualifies on top in any kind ofspecial  category that could be created. So here is a quick shot about trips that have been done by people that I either know or am myself

1. Twentythreethousand fiftyone kilometers - The longst trip in one journey without a hotel night stay inbetween - along the route KBV-BKK_PEK-IAD-GRU-GIG. Especioally amazing as one half a lap around the world is ~20 000 km

2. Fourhundredsixtytwo - The number of flight hours logged in a year for non-pilots. As a reference, RyanAir pilrots fly ~900 hours per year, BA Intra-Europe staff ~725 hours and swedish national pilots ~480 hours. 17 hours short of a pilot in a year make you question what your real job is about.

3. HundredFifty - The amount of different airports visited in a liftetime. Require a decent US footprint a solid travel spread in Asia, Europe and Latin America on Top. Hard to add new ones after that without going for low cost airlines special airports.

4. HundredTwo - The amount of countries visitied by sea, land and air in a liftetime. Require a solid challenge to areas with a lot of countries, i.e. Asia and Africa. 

5- Fourteen - The smallest amount of passengers on a flight with a widebody aircraft. Really weird flight between GRU-MEX on a Colombian Airline, almost impossible to see the check-in que, almost impossible to see any passengers when gate opened, and eeeeempty onboard. 

6. Twelve - The number of intra-Continental flights made in a regular 5-day working week. 2 flights a day do not require GI diets on top  

7. Seven - The number of flights it has taken one person to get from A to B within Europe. Caused by numerous delays and route changes and the airlines creativity to make the person stick to flights within the alliance. And was done travelling with a 1 year old toddler. 

8. Five - The amount of flights logged on a single trip. Three you can do any journey that require two hubs to connect. Four you can do with a great effort in a single day. Five is without a aout a multi-day journey.

9. Sixteeen percent - The amount of time spent on the destination, in relation to the whole travel time. Require a looong trip, faaar away and a shoooort stay. Nine hours on the ground in Melbourne, after coming from Europe and returning to Europe

10. Four - The amount of nights spent in a row on palnes without any Hotel nights in between. Made along the route of ARN-FRA-DEL-FRA-GRU-FRA-ARN.  Not all Airlines are like a hotel bed. 

Thanks for reading all the way down here, Now it is your turn to share an interesting travel figure with the  NoRoadWarrior travel community. All the best.

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