Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When everything is clear the window of opportunity is gone - but how to deal with risk for the biggies when you are alone

We all face major and minor decisions in life, some of which we pay more attention to than others. Tons of analogies and "advice" is available in written and oral form whenever the decision point is approaching, most of us feel quite alone in dealing with the risk we are prepared to take, even though we have many "advisors" around us.

When every things is clear, the window of opportunity is gone! Well formulated, easy to understand, in most cases true, but a fact that is hard to deal with as our big opportuinities/decisions in life tend to be asscoiated with the largest perceived risks. Why do things we really want have to be asssociated with the largets risks. Does it really have to be like jumping from a plane in parachute for the first time? What can I do to turn these situations from a pure horror into the positive emotion that refelect the true value of the opportunity at hand? Well let's see what we can learn from the parachutist

First rule is about the preparations. Always make sure that you have a main parachute, always make sure you have a back-up parachute and always make sure that they both work. Without any parachute you dare to jump from 2m, without a back-up it is roughly the same, and with both working your opportuntites is extended to 2000m. When approaching majoir decisions make sure that you have a clear view of your back-up plan, so that you dare to go for your really large opportunities in life

Second rule is that If you can not take a No (Back-up parchute), then do not push for a Yes (Main Parachute). You must be able to accept both options as your best and second best options in life, not a good one and a bad one. Your ability to realize this is fundamental to reach powerful decisions that involve other people, in way that both your and their objectives and feelings are reached. And stay away from the decision unless you can live with both and their respective risks

Third rule is that their is always slim chance even if both fail. You should never ever plan for it, but you should let the power of your mind stay possitive during the cruel process to improve your odds of getting through the hard impact, not on your feet, not without break legs, but with a maintained brain, heart and soul. These are the three main components required to succesfully take you through any major failure.

Most of us do not need to apply the third rule in our lifes. But for the ones that have been forced into this unattractive territory, questions about how it should have been avoided dominate in the post accident thoughts over the way more important how do I recover as far as possible. If the impact do not take out your brain, your heart and your soul you can still make miracles happen in live. An strange enough larger miracles than the ones you could create before. An trust that the ones really close to you will be there when you need them! And you as a close one you can take away your concern that the parachute will be put on again, since the best parts goiung forward will be found close to earth! Not necessarily less rewarding and worth to explore as a small decision / low risk option.

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