Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cruising cross Everglades - in rental car and dark shades!

You have most likely heard about the Everglades in Florida. Plenty of alligators along the road. Flatboats crusing the canales. But where would you stop if you would be travelling by car? 

First skip Highway 75, also known as "Alligator Alley" and go a bit further south. There you will find US 41, the first road built through the Everglades across Southern Florida. It is a road with one lane in each direction and long straight sections. So plan for a day in cruising mode, either west from Miami or east from Naples. 

A great stop is "Shark Valley". A 15 mile flat bike path less than 1h from Miami. One long 7 mile stretch outbound and a twisty 8 mile return cruising into the swamp land. Watch alligators taking siesta. See turtles playing in small creeks and ponds. Plenty of bird life. At the half way point there is a great observation tower allowing you to get a great perspective from a above. Plan for a 3h tour to allow for frequent stops en route. Possible to rent bikes at the park entry. $5 entry per person and $8.5/h for bike rental. 

Clyde Butcher is a passionate photographer painting the nature in black and white. Around half way from Miami to Naples he has a studio for viewing and purchasing his art. If you book early you can stay at his lodge (minimum 2 nights stay). Clyde Butcher is often referred to as a modern Ansel Adams. He uses large regular film cameras with upto 10x12in (25x30cm) negatives. The motives are nature landscapes with taken in exceptional light and cloud conditions. The large negatives enable very large photos to be created. Don't miss the postbox by the road. Plan for 30-45 min to get a chance too look at the collection in detail. 

For a third stop en route make a detour to Everglades city. Exit from US 41 by the Chamber of Commerce located next to a big cell tower. A 3mi/5km road take you in to town. The town has a beautiful city hall and a small church by the roundabout. Small boat rides can be taken from the harbour into the waterways. 

A number of providers offer flat bottom boat rides along the road. Spend a night in Naples to get a feeling for this beautiful town on the west coast. Tin City is an old area with plenty of restaurants by the water. Fifth Avenue, yes it exist here too, offer fancy shopping and dining. 

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