Sunday, December 27, 2009

When someone is your neighbourhood is falling short - and you would like to make a comment of the sarcastic sort

Dear blog reader,

Time for some fun one-liners from radios this fall and some net search.....

My favourites
  • Not shoveled all the way
  • The cheese slid off of his cracker
  • Too many birds on the antenna
  • A few hints shy of having a clue
  • A few shades beyond blond
  • Not all the states on the map
  • Not all the buttons in the jacket
  • Too much yardage between the goal posts
  • Too little oatmeal in the porridge
  • No major studentloan deficit
  • The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead
  • The light's on but there is no one at home
  • The elevator do not go all the way up
  • Not all the horses in the stable
  • The engine is on, but there is no one at the at the steering wheel
  • Not the quickest bunny in the forest
  • Not the the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Not all the soldiers are marching in line
Short of
  • A few sausages short of a BBQ
  • A few beers short of a six-pack
  • A few colors short of a rainbow
  • A few cards short of a full deck
  • A few threads short of a sweater
  • A few clowns short of a circus
  • A few bricks short of a load
  • A few ice bricks shy of an igloo
Techie ones
  • Missing a few buttons on the remote control
  • Receiver is off the hook
  • The battery is not fully charged
  • The moonroof is leaking
  • The hard drive is spinning but the OS hasn't been installed
  • Working with an unformatted disk
  • A nibble shy of a byte
  • He's the guy always looking for the aluminum magnet
  • There must have been a fire in the fuse box
  • Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree
  • Not all the indians in the canoe
  • Not the brightest light in the harbor
Figure games
  • Twelve shy of a dozen
  • Takes him 1 ½ hours to watch 60 Minutes
Opposite to good
  • All foam, no beer
  • All fence, no posts
Food associated
  • Not all the cornflakes in the box
  • A few fries short of a Happy Meal
  • A few sandwiches short of a picnic
  • A few pecans short of a fruitcake
  • A few caloires below a water diet
  • Trying to nail Jello to a tree
  • Do not have all the toppings on the pizza
  • A few tacos short of a fiesta platter
  • Not the sharpest knife in the drawer
  • As sharp as a marble ball

Ways of working
  • Knitting with only one needle
  • Rowing with only one oar in the water
  • Doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt
  • He/She couldn't pour water out of a boot if the directions were no written on the heel.
  • Couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag
  • Doesn't have all his dogs in one leash
  • Not the brightest star in the sky
  • His belt doesn't go through all the loop
Off limits
  • Working too much with glue
  • Got into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn't watching
  • Body by Fisher-Price, brains by Mattel
  • Too much chlorine in the gene pool
  • A few WMDs short of clear and present danger
  • Two pounds of [anything unpleasant] in a one-pound bag

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